Research Tools

List of research database titles, descriptions and links
Image Description
Brightly Colored Hands, Text reads Building Better Bonds with Families
Building Better Bonds With Families

Remote learning resources, social-emotional learning, trauma-informed care, motivating the K-6 learner, motivating the 7-12 learner, and more

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Gale In Context: Elementary
Gale In Context: Elementary

Gale In Context: Elementary is the perfect educational product for today's young learners. It is a content-rich, authoritative, easy-to-use digital resource featuring age-appropriate, reliable, curriculum-related content covering a broad range of educational topics.

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Group of students next to the logo of HelpNow  online tutoring from Brainfuse
HelpNow - Free Tutoring Online

Online tutoring

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Khan Academy logo on a navy blue background
Khan Academy

Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computing, history, art history, economics, and more, including K-14 and test preparation (SAT, Praxis, LSAT) content.

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Middle Search Plus
Middle Search Plus (EBSCO)

Designed for middle school libraries, Middle Search Plus is a full-text database providing popular middle school magazines and reference books. Covering subjects such as history, current events, science and sports, it also includes thousands of biographies and primary source documents, plus over a million photos, maps and flags.

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Points of View Reference Center
Points of View Reference Center (EBSCO)

Containing resources that present multiple sides of an issue, this database provides rich content that can help students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues and develop analytical thinking skills.

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Primary Search
Primary Search (EBSCO)

Designed for elementary school libraries, Primary Search is a full-text database providing popular children’s magazines, easy-to-read encyclopedic entries and a vast image collection. Students can learn about a variety of topics, including endangered species, famous musicians, fitness and space exploration.

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Science Reference Center
Science Reference Center (EBSCO)

Designed to meet every student researcher's needs, Science Reference Center contains full text for hundreds of science magazines, journals, encyclopedias, reference books and a vast collection of images.

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Teachers, librarians and student researchers can use this database to explore current events, social, political and economic issues, scientific discoveries and other popular topics frequently discussed in the classroom.

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Vocational and Career Collection
Vocational and Career Collection (EBSCO)

Designed to meet a wide variety of vocational and technical research needs, this database provides full-text coverage for trade and industry-related periodicals for high schools, community colleges, trade institutions and the general public.

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World Book Kids
World Book Kids

Captivate even the most reluctant reader with unique visual engagements, rich multimedia content, and an abundance of educational games, activities, and projects. With thousands of articles, multimedia content, and a collection of biographies, World Book Kids is designed to encourage the young learner to be curious.

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World Book Student
World Book Student

World Book Student features responsive design, daily current events, assessment tools for educators, and dedicated resource guides to provide blueprints for advanced learning and college and career readiness.

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Early World of Learning
World Book: Early World of Learning

Emergent learners will engage in an interactive and playful environment that encourages reading comprehension and mastery of phonetic skills. Early World of Learning is full of stories, videos, songs, and games to provide a firm foundation for 21st-century learning and digital citizenship.

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